Text A - Text - New Words

credit n.   approval or praise 赞许,名誉,光荣
recall vt.   to remember a particular fact, event, or situation from the past 回想,回忆
panic n.   a sudden strong feeling of fear or nervousness 惊慌,恐慌
overwhelm   vt.     to have such a great effect that you feel confused and do not know how to react 使不安,使不知所措
session n.   a period of time used for a particular activity, especially by a group of people 上课期间
constraint n.   sth. that limits your freedom to do what you want 束缚,限制
adjust vt.   to change slightly in order to gradually get used to a new situation 调节,调整,使适合
anyway adv.   in spite of the fact that you have just mentioned 不管怎样,无论如何
medium n.   ( pl. media ) a way of communicating information and news to people, such as newspapers, television, etc. 媒体,媒介
embrace vt.     to accept and use new ideas, opinions, etc. eagerly (欣然)接受,采纳
to put your arms around sb. and hold them in a friendly or loving way 拥抱
dean n.   sb. in a university who is in charge of an area of study, or in charge of students and their behavior 系主任,训导长
participate vi.   to take part in an activity or event 参加,参与
participation n. the act of taking part in an activity or event 参加,参与
resource n.   sth. such as a book, film, or picture used by teachers or students to provide information 资料
(usually pl.) sth. such as land, mineral, or natural energy 资源
instruction n.   (fml) teaching that you are given in a particular skill or subject 教导
otherwise adv.   under other circumstances 否则,不然
fulfill vt.   the thing that you had hoped, promised, wanted, etc. happens or is done 实现,履行
performance n.   how well or badly you do a particular job or activity 表现
when someone performs a play or a piece of music 表演
established adj.   known to do a particular job well, because you have done it for a long time 有所建树的,知名的
urge vt.   (fml) to strongly suggest that sth. should be done 催促,力劝
caution n.   the quality of being very careful, not taking any risks, and trying to avoid danger 谨慎,小心
critic n.   sb. who expresses strong disapproval or dislike of a person, idea, organization, etc. 批评者
significantly adv.   in an important way or to an important degree 重要的,重大的
exceed vt.   to be more than a number or amount, especially a fixed number 超过,超出
considerably adv.   much; a great deal 相当(大,多)地
interaction n.   the activity of talking to other people and understanding them 交互活动,互动
a process by which two or more things have an effect on each other and work together 相互作用,相互影响
discipline n.   the ability to control your own behavior and way of working 自制,自控
the practice of making people obey rules and orders, or the controlled situation that results from this practice 纪律
extensive adj.   large in amount, area or scope 广泛的,大量的
undergraduate n.   a student who is doing a university course for a first degree 大学本科生
premature adj.   happening before the natural or proper time 过早的,早熟的
critical adj.   very important because what happens in the future depends on it 关键性的,至关重要的
socialization n.   t he process by which people, especially children, learn to behave in a way acceptable in society 交际,交往,社交
associate adj.     someone who is a member, etc., of something, but who is at a lower level and has fewer rights 副的
vt. to make a connection in your mind between one thing or person and another 联想
budgetary adj.   connected with the way money is spent in a budget 预算的
paramount adj.   more important than anything else 至高无上的,最重要的
instant adj.   happening or produced immediately 即刻的,即时的